What is the cost to restore, repair, or service a typewriter?
It is 2020 and i still get daily phone calls, emails or text messages from clients from all over the world for rough estimates of the cost of restoring a typewriter.
The cost to restore a typewriter depends on the following options:
- The Model of the vintage typewriter
- The current Cosmetic condition of the Typewriter
- The amount of grease, dirt, and grime inside the typewriter
- The mechanical condition of the typewriter.
- Where applicable, the kind of repairs to be done.
- Where applicable, the parts to be replaced or re created.
- Is the typewriter a portable or Desk typewriter
All this in hand, we usually give a rough estimate of the cost of labour and parts to restore any typewriter and usually the better estimate is when the typewriter is inspected on our work desk and when the client knows how much he can invest on his typewriter.
Our cost range starts from 75£ to clean small portable typewriter from the 1970s and beyond up to 3000£ and maybe more for a full restoration job of a rare typewriter or a dear one that needs a lot of attention & detailed work.
For Example, cost to restore an Olympia SM3 typewriter starts from 200£.
cost of restoration of a Remington portable from the pre war era is starting 225£ due to work needed on their rubber rollers and washers.
Cost of restoration of an Imperial good companion starts from 300£ up to 750£ depending on work to be done on this beautiful machines that always needs special attention.
& finally, work on a Hermes 3000 will cost 350£ and more depending on how greasy it is and if the platen needs a new layer or not.
Each typewriter has its own characteristics and cost to recondition it or restore it will differ.
Link above shows the details of our work on a rare Georgian keyboard typewriter that was specially prepared for a vivid Typewriter collector from Singapore.
Since 2016, we have been trusted with various restoration projects for clients in the United Kingdom, Europe, The United States and the Far East as we have always aimed for a perfect from A to Z with perfect communication with our client concerning the work to be done and the work completed.
for a Free typewriter restoration quote, please contact us by email or phone with pictures of the typewriter:
Phone (Whatsapp) :
(+44) 07910032591

Need to have electric typewriter serviced please? Do you call over.or has she.to bring it to you for an estimate? THANK YOU Liz

My dad’s typewriter is an Underwood noiseless portable The drum and striking part of the keys are fine. The mechanics to get the keys to strike mix together such that it doesn’t work. What is the next step I need to take to get it working?